Blueberry Scones to start the day off right.
2 Brasilians & a Farm
Local Food and Local Farms

Us...From the beginning.

     It is somewhat hard to start a twenty two year history with your mother in one paragraph, but I will try my best. Hello, my name is Vanessa, but everyone calls me 'V'. My mom's name is Helena, she was born in Sao Paulo, Brasil and moved here to New York State in the early 80's. I came along soon after, and we may share the wit and love of the ever-so popular Gilmore Girls, but we started a whole lot differently.
     Almost 8 years ago I lost my two brothers, Crackers and Buttons. Growing up with them since i was two, i knew nothing different. Beautiful, playful and full of life Golden Retrievers. In September of 2005, we moved out of our secure and what i thought to be permanent home of 14 years in Rockland County to a 300 acre Farm in Dutchess County. Let me just tell you, if you haven't yet been over for our famous weekend getaways, not even the words i type here can explain the pure beauty and wonder this place can give someone. 
   We were sold! This is just what the doctor ordered, a new start! Leaving for college in just a few months Mom was already planning to make my bedroom into her office, not a chance (wait to see my view)! I started school that following spring in up, up, up state New York, but soon transferred to my now permanent school in New York City (can't leave my home. we bonded for life). For the next two years from commuting the 100 miles to NYC and back another 100 miles home, the wear and tear on my mom was hard, and our relationship. Let me just say, living with the same woman for 22 years ain't no picnic, especially when are from two very different worlds. Soon i saved enough and got my own place in Harlem (my new passion) and the pressure was slowly lifting. Brooks Farm was now our weekend getaway, every friday we would pack the car and head up bringing friends along for the fun and sunday heading back late at night to restart our weekly grind. 
    But we weren't the same, the first 13 years of my life I had two 80 lb dogs follow my every move. My life, our life revolved around them. We are no average dog owners, like i said before they were my brothers, her sons. 
    In early 2008 Mom was planning a week long trip to Miami to visit her youngest sister and her family , but before she left i gave her an ultimatum, if she wanted me to continue coming upstate every weekend with her we HAD to ADOPT a dog when she gets back, she agreed. Days before her departure, we agreed on a shelter in Massachusetts that specialized in Saint Bernard's, hey why not go big?  
     Mom was gone, and i was shaking in my boots till she got back , planning on names, his bed, his leash anything to keep my mind occupied till she got home. Three days before she got back a friend of mine was taking the train from NYC up to the farm to visit, arriving around 9am, i woke up and drove the 15min drive over to the station, about 10 mins into the drive i came around a very sharp turn and saw a coyote race across the road from my left, i came to a screeching halt, thinking i hit it. ( FYI, not unusual to see coyotes up here, or bears or mountain lions.) i pull the car over , looked around and there he was. The most beautiful German Shepherd i'd ever seen running towards me, crossing the street, immediately i got out and stopped the oncoming traffic. After an hour of failed attempts i caught him using an old discarded banana peel and my blackberry car charger as a leash. McGyver would be so proud. 
   As you can guess Duke ( thats his name now) quickly became part of the family, a gift to us , a void filled. Mom and him are inseparable. A bond im not included in, LOL. After weeks of no one claiming him, he truly became ours! Let me say this we never looked back, Duke is the best dog anyone can ask for, he was 6 months old when he found us and wasn't easy to train, being previously abused at his prior home he took awhile to adjust. Now at 3, he walks free around the property with us, tends after the farm animals all the while being the most kindest and most loving pooch ( Rin Tin Tin has nothing on our Duke).
   Now 31 animals later we don't look back , well, only on days we miss the quiet, and we hope our story can inspire you to take an animal in and give it home they deserve! So welcome to our family, 2 Brasilians on a Farm, doing the only thing we know, spreading love!

My Alarm Clock